Offshore Opportunity

The market for offshore, marine and coastal renewable energy systems is poised for growth, with key drivers including:

  • Expansion of offshore wind capacity mobilised by government policies, in UK (eg Celtic Sea) and internationally
  • Multiple plans for tidal energy device deployment around the Isle of Wight and in other locations (UK and France)
  • Growing interest in exploiting renewables in isolated territories and islands

This supply chain portal has been developed to enable relevant businesses to register their capabilities and interest in this market. The resulting data resource will be able to be used by contractors to identify possible suppliers, innovators to identify target users and public authorities to map the blue growth capacity in their region. 

The construction of offshore, marine and coastal renewable energy systems involves the supply of numerous items and services including security, accommodation, legal and communications as well as vessels, crews and renewable energy infrastructures. Engineering and electrical products including foundations, towers, cabling, substations and numerous other components are required. 

This database will enable relevant businesses to register their capabilities and services in order for contractors, public authorities and other organisations to identify potential suppliers of products and services used in the development of new offshore, coastal and marine renewables projects.

To register your business for free on this supplier database please click here.

If you are looking for suppliers of particular products or services please click here.

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